Marilyn Pratt (more…)

Marilyn Pratt, SAP Community Advocate.  Community is part of Marilyn Pratt’s DNA.  Marilyn created a grassroots environmental advocacy program for her Bedouin neighbors as well as for her own socialistic communal environment where she was an IT manager and resident member for over 15 years.  Since 2004 Marilyn has been a community advocate for the SAP Community Network where she helped launch the Business Process Expert Community.  In this context she walks the tightrope between the old paradigm of enterprises wanting to control messages and the new reality of engaging with a participatory and open ecosystem model. Marilyn holds a master’s degree in Adult Education and Distance Learning as well as a fine arts degree in professional theater directing. Social responsibility and sustainability topics are among her passions and she can be found talking about them on her SAP Community Network blog.