Sophia Yen (more…)

Talk: Cutting edge adolescent medicine

Sophia Yen, MD MPH grew up in the Bay Area, went to MIT for undergrad, UCSF for medical School and Children’s Hospital Oakland for residency, UCSF for adolescent medicine fellowship, UC Berkeley for MPH and works at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford’s Teen and Young Adult Clinic.

She is a strong advocate for obesity treatment and prevention, reproductive rights, adolescent reproductive rights, mental health access for children and adolescents, universal healthcare, comprehensive sexuality education, and public education. To improve adolescent women’s lives, her new advocacy efforts are menstrual suppression and increasing tampon use in minorities.

She wants to be the first surgeon general to say “masturbation” without being fired. Her goal is to prevent all teenage pregnancy – no teen should want to get pregnant (because she has better things to do) and no teen should get pregnant (because birth control is highly effective and should be easily accessible to teens to prevent pregnancy and abortion.)

She co-founded to show that women can be anything they work hard towards and overcome obstacles. SheHeroes provides free online videos with discussion questions of women heroes a.k.a. leaders in their fields.

Her research includes: emergency contraception (EC) and adolescents, EC and physicians, sexual health websites’ accuracy of information, tampon versus pad use, video games as pediatric obesity treatment.

Dr. Yen has spoken at: Castilleja and Menlo High Schools, Mountain View Mayor’s Youth Conference, and CME programs and was in the San Jose Mercury News and SF’s “View From the Bay.”